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Usb Programmable Led Message Fan Software Download Mac

Usb Programmable Led Message Fan Software Download Mac

  • Faster Detection & Response Icon

    Faster Detection & Response

    Blumira's detection and response platform enables faster resolution of threats to help you lot end ransomware attacks and prevent information breaches.

    Blumira's detection and response platform enables faster resolution of threats to help you stop ransomware attacks and prevent data breaches. We surface real threats, providing meaningful findings so yous know what to prioritize. With our three-step rapid response, yous can automatically block known threats, use our playbooks for easy remediation, or contact our security team for additional guidance. Our responsive security team helps with onboarding, triage and ongoing consultations to continuously aid your organization improve your security coverage.

  • Digital Commerce Solutions with MarketStudio Icon

    MarketStudio is a web-based offering for pocket-size & medium and large product enterprises, which customers can use to scan, manage, and publish rich content to Print, Web, and Dealer portals from anywhere/anytime.

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    complimentary culling firmware for the DLink DNS-320/320L/321/323/325/327L

    Alt-F provides a free and open up source culling firmware for the DLINK DNS-320/320L/321/323/325/327L and DNR-322L. Alt-F has Samba and NFS; supports ext2/3/iv, VFAT, NTFS, BTRFS; RAID 0, 1, v (with external USB disk) and JBOD; supports up to 8TB disks; rsync, ftp, sftp, ftps, ssh, lpd, DNS and DHCP servers, DDNS, fan and leds command, clean power up and down... and more. Alt-F also has a set of comprehensive administering web pages, you don't need to use the command line to configure...

    Leader bluecoat

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    Arduino Nano Dew Controller Pro (DIY)

    A 3-channel fully automatic Dew Controller (DIY project) based on Arduino Nano for telescopes. For $48 or less. (c) Copyright Robert Brown 2014-2022. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for personal and Academic utilise only. Lawmaking or portions of lawmaking may not be copied or used without appropriate credit given to writer. A very popular project with over 42,000 downloads. CONTRIBUTIONS If you lot observe this useful, please send a donation to me via PayPal to rbb1brown@gmail.com (Robert...

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    A resonably secure operating system from Pakistan

    ...://static.lwn.net/Distributions/#pakistan) PakOS accepted on DistroWatch every bit Only Pakistani Linux OS https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=pakos&pkglist=truthful&version=2020-08-24 Delight contact me on gsm.pakos@gmail.com for tips, tricks, advice and suggestions or join my Discord server at https://discord.gg/DvBGxAW2D4 to learn together. A New Fan Fabricated Video Aqueduct at https://world wide web.youtube.com/channel/UCpfNVxHxmtVNpNqASBC14BQ for PakOS tips and tricks

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  • 4

    myDCFocuser Arduino Relative DC Focuser

    An Arduino based controller for a DC motor focuser solution. Replaces RigelSys/JMI DC Controllers. Windows awarding and ASCOM commuter bachelor. Works with most DC motor solutions (eg RigelSys, JMI, Orion, Skywatcher etc). Feature rich and low cost. Build the controller for nether $25. (c) Copyright Robert Dark-brown 2014-2022. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for personal and Academic use only. Code or portions of code may not be copied or used without advisable credit given to...

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  • Far Beyond User Management Icon

    Far Beyond User Direction

    Your stop-users await much more than just a login, they await a full self-service admin experience. We provide that, in 5 lines of code.

    Frontegg is a programmer platform that enables self-service, security and enterprise-capabilities through a rich user-management interface, freeing upwards inventiveness and differentiation.

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    RS485MODBUS V3.O

    RS485MODBUS V3.O

    Software utility for STM8S103, R421A08, R221A04, R413D08 relay lath

    RS485MODBUS V3.O The STM8S103, R421A08, R221A04 and R413D08 are relay boards that are controlled from your calculator, through the USB port. They allow you to control whatsoever 12 volt appliance such as led lights for case. You can install an additional 120/220 volt relay that is 12 volt activated. The relay boards tin besides process input signals such equally switches and sensors. Contains MS Visual studio C++ source code. Windows 7/eight compatible. FX1N Serial programmable logic controller Activate relays...

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  • half-dozen

    GROWbox Supervisor System (GROWSS)

    GROWbox Supervisor System (GROWSS) is a grow box or grow cabinet environmental controller. GROWSS uses a Raspberry Pi (RPI) & Grove sensors to monitor and control the environment in your grow box or cabinet. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, soil moisture, & smoke (from burn down) are monitored and displayed on a terminal continued to the RPI & on a mobile app. GROWSS also controls the exhaust fan and grow lights based on the time interval (ie. 12 hours on/12 hours off) & from...

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    Allows a few rudimentary commands to be entered on the STM32 Minimum System Development Board Module ARM STM32F103C8T6 available from various online outlets. The code was originally forged in C but limitations in that arroyo led me to ARM assembler, and fortunately GNU compiler collection helped in that transition. Small assembler code experiments can be typed into the module's read write memory, displayed and executed. Ane strange, annoying feature is that the code running in the STM32 can't...

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    C-GM Counter

    C-GM Counter

    Continued GM Counter device (IoT) for radioactivity measure

    The C-GM Counter is a low toll (<l$) DIY Hardware & Firmware for building a Connected Geiger-Müller counter device to record beta-gamma radiation levels. The counter is the hardware function of the overall A-GM project aimed for providing a long-term continuous measurement of the radioactive decay level. meet too A-GM Manager at https://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Radioactive decay-Counter-IoT-and-Eco-system/ ** IMPORTANT ** : From v1.4, Arduino Nano require Optiboot bootloader to piece of work, other kicking crashes.

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    Read and Log CO2, Temperature, and Humidity from a CO2 Monitor Device

    MiniMon ane.1 released! MiniMon can at present also exist used as a device under GeigerLog: https://sourceforge.net/projects/geigerlog/ CO2 Monitor is a modest, low-price (~65€) device, which is advertised as a 'bad-air' monitor for domicile and office, which it indicates past greenish, yellow, and red LEDs, and a small numeric LCD display. MiniMon is a simple Python3 program, which can read the data from this device via a USB connexion, bear witness them on the figurer screen, and log them to disk, including a timestamp...

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  • Increase Your Billable Hours | For Legal Professionals Icon

    Track time effortlessly and neb accurately with TimeSolv, a spider web-based fourth dimension tracking and billing software for legal professionals. TimeSolv is an easy to use and intuitive platform that offers a wide range of features to help legal professionals meliorate their efficiency and profits. These include time tracking, certificate management, invoicing, reporting, expense tracking, and project management tools.

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    This library implement RIMS controls for habitation brewers. For definition of a RIMS, run into https://tinyurl.com/j3lyuyc For me, an Arduino micro controller + a LCD Keypad shield was cheaper and a lot more than customizable than a commercial PID controller. So, with this library, a commercial PID controller is unnecessary. Automated PID tuning toolkit is also included. Temperature tin be read with a thermistor, a resistance temperature detector (RTD) or any custom temperature probe. Heater is...

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    Python scripts to handle I2C sensors from your PC and graphing

    ...://world wide web.codemercs.com/de * USB-ISS, Devantech https://www.robot-electronics.co.u.k./htm/usb_iss_tech.htm The supported sensors (for either dongle) are: * BME280 (Temperature, Pressure, Humidity) * LM75(B) (Temperature) * TSL2591 (Light, visible + infrared) * HT16K33 (LED matrix 8x8 red LEDs) I2Cpytools runs as data logger. It creates a log file in a CSV format. pytoolsPlot is a graphing tool included in the package. Can also be used as a stand-alone plotting tool for csv information files

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    DZS3000NV Viasat zapper STB

    The DZS3000NV is a small form factor and price-effective satellite HD ready-elevation box based on the BCM7358 processor. It supports 1 satellite tuner/LNB, two USB ports, a HDMI port, an Ethernet port, IR advice and a single front end-console LED and a standby button.

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    Very cheap chain oiler based on the Digispark

    The goal was a very cheap, programmable and easy to recreate chain oiler. The heart is a Kickstarter Digispark, a small Arduino development board, for less than iii$ including shipping charge from China. Due to the integrated USB connector information technology can exist hands programmed past the Arduino IDE. Additionally there is not much necessary, only a small circiut, a LED, a push and a box for approximately 12$ (list of parts as PDF under Files in the lath archive).

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  • fourteen

    This is a driver for the Antec series of Watercoolers, specifically the 1250 , 950, and 650. Other compatible coolers which use the Antec GRID protocol volition probably too work. For Older Kuhlers that apply the ASETEK Protcol, please come across the H20-920 page.

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  • 15

    This project is port of ecos 3.0 for AVR32UC3C target mainly for AVR32UC3C512C. In the compressed files iv directories can be establish: Avr32uc3c-ec – ecos project for AT32UC3C-EK board. ConfigTool – ecos configtool (works with Ubuntu). To compile ecos source codes Atmel tool concatenation for AVR32 devices is needed and tin can be downloaded from Atmel web site. Ecos-3.0 – ecos + AVR32UC3C port source files. Hellow_Examples – instance project in Atmel studio 6.2 with, ADC test, LED and push buttons examination...

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    Remote admission to your DIY usb decive.

    The webLED is an example for 5-usb and libusb to control a ATtiny LED via a Webpage.

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  • 17

    Functions: 1). When plough on the power supply, the DIP LED lights, the organisation works commonly. 2).When some object enters the infrared area, the buzzer alarms, the DIP LED stops lighting. 3). When press the reset button on the ICStation MEGA board, the buzzer stops alarming, the DIP LED lights again and this organization continues monitoring. Components list: 1.i× ICStation ATMEGA2560 Mega2560 R3 Board Compatible Arduino http://www.icstation.com/product_info.php?products_id=3517 2.i×USB Cable A-B...

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  • eighteen

    Okapi Viewer

    Okapi Viewer

    Java app used for monitoring Okapi Solar Furnace fan control systems

    The Okapi Viewer app is intended for utilise past owners of Okapi solar air heater fan control systems. Information technology is used to monitor information (inlet, outlet, ambient temperatures and fan speeds) broadcast past the Okapi systems that use the optional Bluetooth transceiver module. The app can also exist connected to "hacked" Okapi systems past wiring a PL2303 USB adapter (or like) to the "hacked" Okapi.

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  • 19

    LCD Smartie

    LCD Smartie displays information on your LCD/VFD. Information technology supports LCDs with a Hitachi HD44780 Controller via parallel port & Matrix Orbital and Crystalfontz serial/USB LCD/VFDs. Info includes: CPU temps, fan speed, the BBC World News, Stocks indexes etc.

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    USB LED Alerts - for gmail, email, pidgin, etc...

    Employ a USB LED notifier unit to inform you of new email, pidgin messages, and other events. A general purpose, configurable tool for alerts. Delight go out me feedback here (under " Discussion") or with comments to my Blog, or even via email (irdroid3 AT gmail.com) * Blog: http://irdroid3.wordpress.com/ * wiki pages : https://sourceforge.internet/p/lednotify/wiki/Home/ * Animated gif demo: http://irdroid3.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/lednotify_dream-cheeky.gif?w=830 2014-02-x - V2.0.one : Available...

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  • 21



    DMX Software,Lichtsteuerung,Moving Light,LED,ArtNet DMX,

    .../RS232/USB steuerbar [1] Teilweise - UI / GUI (schnell Spiele GUI als oberfläche) - Lauflicht Stack (Chaser) ToDo - Cue'due south - Sequenzen - code redesign (modularer) - mini Linux als Basis (LFS Linux from Scratch) - Multiuser / Multiprogrammer https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=v5mJw2MNEHQ&noredirect=1 [ane] jede hardware bekommt eigenes kleines software modul mit eigener logik neue Seite: https://sourceforge.net/projects/librelight/

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  • 22


    A Flying Controller based on CPU STM32F405RG.

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  • 23

    Linux Driver and command program for the Antec H20 - 920 Serial liquid coolers.

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    Lukabuntu 12.04

    Megurine Luka'due south inspired version of Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Observe: 64-bit version is included and it has some few changes in it and it is slightly unlike than the 32-bit version ones. This is a customized version of Ubuntu 12.04, based from my first custom build. Inspired from one of the Vocaloid virtual singers, this version is design for fans who want to enjoy with, fifty-fifty otakus who want a freedom... Designed past fan. For fans... *CV03 stands for Megurine Luka'southward codename... **Note that Ubuntu 12.04 CV03 Version is changed into a new distro name...

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  • 25

    This projection is well-nigh a lite controlling system with a 4 RGB-LED channels to run different modes: • apart west/o PC performing HSI2RGB transformations and running through the color hues (with dimmable brightness) • remote operated by PC or embedded user software using the provided C++ Software library (based on Boost libraries) • ideal platform for colour experiments with your RaspberryPi The system consists of 4 layers: • PCB with Atmel ATmega16 and FT232RL USB interface (Hawkeye forat...

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Usb Programmable Led Message Fan Software Download Mac

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